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Applied Anthropology
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The Applied Anthropologist Journal
Index: Previous Journal Issues
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TAA 2024
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TAA 2022
TAA 2021
TAA 2020
TAA 2020, Number 2
TAA 2020, Number 1
TAA 2019
TAA 2018
TAA 2017
TAA 2016
TAA 2015
TAA 2014
TAA 2013
TAA 2012
Point-to-Point by Andrea Akers and Peter Van Arsdale
Planting a Seed: Ute Ethnobotany by Chapoose et al.
The Benevolent Dictatorship in Rwanda: Negative Government, Positive Outcomes? by Shawn Russell
Telling Their Own Stories: Indigenous Film as Critical Identity Discourse by William Lempert
Collaborating in Representing: Always Possible? Always Desirable? by Richard O. Clemmer
On the Recent Decline of Gender Neutral Language by Edith W. King
Point-to-Point by Peter Van Arsdale and Andrea Akers
Preparing Latino Children for Kindergarten: Two Positive Approaches by Stephen Omer Stewart
Community Development, Corruption, and "Felt Needs" by Anne M. Galvin
Rising from the Wreckage: Lessons Learned from the 2010 Haitian Earthquake Response by Kristina Hook
Holistic Community Development and Participatory Connections by Kathleen Pickering Sherman et al.
A Supply of Money by David Rozen
In Memorium: Harry F. Wolcott, the Applied Anthropologist: 1929-2012 by Edith King
TAA 2011
Point-to-Point by Peter Van Arsdale and Andrea Akers
The Tangle of Anthropological Tourism... by David Piacenti
Viking Village Ecotourism by Helle Sorensen
Native Anthropology and Anthropological Tourism by Enrique Maestas
The Roles of Sustainable Tourism in Neoliberal Julie Reyes
Touring Tohoku, Serving the Nation: Volunteer Tourism in Post-Disaster Japan by Rebecca Forgash
Civilianization of the US Military in the Era of Adalric Hilliard Tuten
A Potential New Role for Universities and Mark St. Pierre
BOOK REVIEW of Ethnography of the National Park Service...
Point-to-Point by Peter Van Arsdale and Andrea Akers
Honoring Friedl: Applied Anthropology and Development of HPSfAA by Carla Littlefield
Following Friedl: Forays into African Fieldwork by Colby Hatfield
Taught by Friedl: The Power of Millenarian Peter Van Arsdale
Inspired by Friedl: Lessons Taught, Lessons Learned by Kenneth Keller
Inequitable Partners in Collaborative Jessica Blanchard
A Chief’s Creative Leadership among Micmac Lawrence Van Horn
South Sudan’s Enduring Secession Issues: Is Peace Possible? by Cheri Baker
Staff Care and Humanitarian Aid Organizations: A Moral Obligation by Charlotte Min-Harris
Education in Emergencies: Benefits, Best Practices, and Partnerships by Phillip Price
TAA 2010
Point-to-Point by Peter Van Arsdale and Andrea Akers
Clinical Anthropology: Participant Observation and Clinical Psychology by Pedro Oliveira
Poetry of Applied Anthropology as Life Quality Enhancement by Howard F. Stein
Essentializing Authoritarianism: Implementing Neoliberalism in Highland Peru by Arthur Scarritt
Now That We Know Where the Bodies are Buried, Who Do We Tell? by Riall W. Nolan
Developing a Culture of Ethics in Higher Education by Julia A. Reyes
Welfare Reform and Household Survival in a Transnational Community by Mark Harvey
Book Review of "They Called Me Uncivilized" by W. Littlemoon with J. Ridgway
TAA 2009
Pregnant, Uninsured, and Undocumented by K. Jill Fleuriet
Some Thoughts on Helping Inconsolable Organizations to Heal by Howard F. Stein
Native American Consolation by Kathleen Van Vlack
Special Section: Genocide, Ethnocide, and Ethnic Cleansing by Peter Van Arsdale et al.
Holodomor: Ukraine by Roxolana B. R. Wynar
Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk by Nicole Herrera
Humanitarian Aid versus Humanitarian Intervention by Barbara Bonner
Gacaca in the Context of Reconciliation: The Case of Rwanda by Josiah Marineau
Gendercide: A Critical Examination of Gender and Sex-Selective Mass Killing by Amy D. Bhalla
Community-Based Tourism and the Politics of Development by Daniel Eric Bauer
Community Conservation, Alternative Economy, and Holistic Landscapes by M. Brydge and K.A.P. Sherman
Short-Term Mission Trips and the Enhancement of Cultural Awareness by K. Gilbert & W.T. Hamilton
Multiple Arrivals by Jean N. Scandlyn
Edge Dancers by H. Rika Houston and Mikel Hogan
TAA 2008
Moral Sources of Competitiveness by Marietta L. Baba
Health Effects of Pesticide Exposure by Satish K. Kedia and Florencia G. Palis
Food Service and College Operations by R.G. Tian, L. Gramling, R. Byrd, L. Epps, D. Keith, & R. Lick
Between Science and Life by Marta Kolankiewicz-Lundberg
Rebuilding the Intergenerational Community in Northeastern Minneapolis by Harley C. Schreck, Jr.
Cultural Pluralism and Constructed Space by Molly DesBaillets
Body Mass Image (BMImage) by D.L. Kozak, S. Kraus, M. Lomayma, J. Seumptewa, and C. Massengill
Book Review of "Insight and Imagination" by Howard F. Stein
Book Review of "Fundamentals of Forensic Anthropology" by Linda L. Klepinger
Book Review of "Rance Hood: Mystic Painter" by James J. Hester and Rance Hood
For 2007, The 15th Annual Omer C. Stewart Memorial Award by Lawrence Van Horn
...One Man and One (?) Woman by Edgar A. Gregersen
Engaging Undergraduate Students in Collaborative Research by Kreg T. Ettenger
Decolonizing Higher Education by B. Jewel, B. Mizushima, K. Pickering, J. Ridgway, and W. LittleMoon
Where the Rhetoric Meets the Road by Emilia Gonzalez-Clements
From Direct to Deferred Reciprocity by Sarah Hautzinger
Practicing Fieldwork by Jean N. Scandlyn, John Brett, and Sharry Erzinger
Awards of the High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology by Carla Littlefield
Reimagining Ourselves and Our Work by Pennie Magee
TAA 2007
Negotiating Development: Local Actors and Economic Change in Coastal Ecuador by Daniel Eric Bauer
Collective Thinking Practices: Inferences from Case Studies by Michael P. Lillis and Raymond G. Hunt
Witnessing Practice: The Treatment of Childhood Illness by A. Gordon, P.S. Yoder & M. Camara
Book Review of "Tending the Wild" by M. Kat Anderson
Book Review of "Switchbacks: Art, Ownership, and Nuxalk National Identity" by Jennifer Kramer
Book Review of "Ethnographies of Archaeological Practice" edited by Matt Edgeworth
Book Review of "Applied Anthropology: Domains of Application" edited by S. Kedia & J. van Willigen
TAA 2006
Aprons and Their Symbolic Ambiguity By: John Beatty
La Mexicana:The Corner Grocer as a Transnational Space in Illinois By: Margaret Villanueva
Protecting Places Important to American Indians By: Darby Stapp and Ellen Kennedy
Neoliberalism, Heritage Cons., and the Resulting Disposs. of Machu Picchu By: Pellegrino Luciano
Ethical Choices in Public Health Policy and Practice By: Sue Gena Lurie
An Acceptable Approach to Long Term Nuclear Waste Management By: Elizabeth Dowdeswell
Results from Public Workshops on Bioremediation By: Amy Wolfe and David Bjornstad
On Bullshit By: Harry Frankfurt, Three Book Review Essays
Can Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians be Reconciled By Cara Paddle
Enhancing Ecologically Responsible Development in Ethcopia Peter Van Arsdale and M. Wray Witten
Power, Praxis and the Social Work of Anthropology By: Barbara Johnston
Spirituality in a Medical Rehabilitation Hospital In Urban Midwest of US By: Diane Pawlowski
A Case Study of the Webs of Relationships in an Organizational Consultation By: Howard Stein
Animals and the US National Register of Historic Places By: Thomas King
Social Suffering and Social Healing in Bosnia By: Laure Almairac and Peter Van Arsdale
Peddling Paradise, Rebuilding Serendib By: Nandini Gunewardena
"Between a Rock and a Hard Place" By David Kozak
The Past Supercedes the Future, for the Present By Michael Burney and Barbara Scott
Three Book Reviews By Frances Quintana, Afterword by Richaed Clemmer
A Generalist's Approach to Applied Anthropology By Lenora Bohren
TAA 2005
From Theory to Practice: Anthropology in Business Education-Robert Guang Tian
An Assessment of the Tourism Industry in Huanchaco-Tracy McNulty
Van Horn Intro-Language, Politics, and Social Interaction in an Inuit Community-Donna Patrick
Review- Tribal Culture Resource Management by Darby C. Stapp and Michael S. Burney
Downs Review-Language, Politics, and Social Interaction in an Inuit Community By Donna Patrick
Schnepel Review-Language, Politics, and Social Interaction in an Inuit Community By Donna Patrick
Counterpoint-Language, Politics, and Social Interaction in an Inuit Community By Donna Patrick
The Business End of Anthropology: A Students Exploration of a Culture of Commerce-Shannon Gray
HPAA 2004
An Ethnographic History of an Illness in a Hasidic Jewish Community-David J. Rozen
Grief and Advocacy: Applied Anthropologist Role in Massive Organizational Change-Howard F. Stein
Understanding Cultural Factors in Food Consumption: Case Study-Jennifer DeJesus, Guang Tian
Leave No Indian Child Behind: A Study of “Culturally Appropriate” Social Services -Dana Echohawk
Final Evaluation for a Youth Programs Diversity Mural Workshop with High School Youth-Angela Forcier
A "New Relationship" Between Anthropologists and Crees of Québec Part 1: The Challenge-Kreg Ettenger
Stein- Introduction of Ed Knop, Recipient of the 2004 Omer C. Stewart Memorial Award
An Exploratory Study of Young African-American Fathers in Lincoln, Nebraska-Christina J. Dorsey
Cultural Rights and Uyghur Nationalism-Robert Guang Tian
Amputation as a Strategy of Terror in Sierra Leone-Kate Fogelberg, Alexandra Thalmann
Amish Medicinal Beliefs, Practices, Practitioners-Laura Ballou
Fieldwork in the Sugar Beet Fields of Northern Colorado Barbara Hawthorne
Introduction: Van Horn-Four Books by Thomas F. King: A Joint Review
Review: Eric C. Petersen-Cultural Resource Laws and Practice: An Introductory Guide by Thomas King
Review: Darby C. Stapp-Federal Planning and Historic Places: The Section 106 Process-Thomas F. King
Four Books by Thomas F. King: A Joint Review. Reviews Counterpointed by Thomas F. King
Altered Bodies, Altered Minds: A Jail Meditation Program-Frances Dahlberg
HPAA 2003
An Anthropological Perspective on Magistrate Jelderk's Kennewick Man Decision-Jones and Stapp
Governing the Low-Income Self in Colorado’s Front Range-James A. Schechter
Facing the Future of the Field: Northern Arizona University’s Graduate Program-Emily Brelsford et al
Information Science in Tertiary Institutions: Excerpts from a Teaching Career-Brian Mhango
Education Initiative for Environment and Sustainable Development-Michael J. Scoullos
International Cultural Marketing: A Concept Paper-Gordon Bronitsky
More Important Rs-Cetan Wanbli Williams
Review-Dru C. Gladney-Chinese-Canadians, Canadian-Chinese: Coping and Adapting in North America
Biomedicine, Religion, and Ethnicity: Healing in a Hasidic Jewish Community-David J. Rozen
Latino Muslims in the United States: An Introduction The Gottfried and Martha -Abbas Barzegar
Affordable Housing for the Latino Community in Summit County, Colorado-Erin Underwood
Intro-Van Horn-Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies. Vol 5. Concept of Tribal Society-Pfeffer-Behera
Review-Stoffle-Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies. Vol5. Concept of Tribal Society-Pfeffer-Behera
Review-Rupert-Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies. Vol5. Concept of Tribal Society-Pfeffer-Behera
Review-Arsdale-Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies. Vol5. Concept of Tribal Society-Pfeffer-Behera
Counterpoint-Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies. Vol5. Concept of Tribal Society-Pfeffer-Behera
Building a Sustainable Enterprise: Engaging Debates and Debating Engagement-P.J. Puntenney
Anthropologists and Effective Resource Management-Lenora Bohren
Review: Van Horn-Bike Lust: Harleys, Women, and American Society by Barbara Joans
HPAA 2002
Socioeconomic Growth, Culture Scale, and Household Well-Being: a test of the Power-Elite-Bodley
Going, Going, Gone: Selling Out the Homeowners-Susan Hamilton
Fieldwork in Ecuador in the Time of "Cholera:" Contagion in National Disasters-Donna Dwiggins
Geographies of Power and Participatory Planning: Community Case Studies-Ecuador-US-Price and Arteaga
Challenges to the Grassroots: The Use of Strategic Planning by Southern Progressives-Hyland
Environmental Injustice as Manifested in Building Incinerators w/in the State of NJ-Dana K. Natale
Culture, Geography, and the Anthropology of Work:Textual Understandings-Abascal-Hildebrand
Awareness, Action, Advocacy: Mobilizing a Paradigm, Tackling an Issue-Arsdale
Composition in Age of DotCom: How One Virtual Community Served as a Collaborative Learning-Bennetch
Gender and Reference Groups in Food Consumption Patterns Formatting: A Case Study-Guang Tian et al
The Concept of "Power" in Numic and Yuman Epistemology
Making Environmental Justice Whole-Ernest Atencio
HPAA 2001
The Left Out and The Forgotten: Notes on the Etics and Emics of Disasters-Howard F. Stein
Bodily Memory and the Politics of Remembrance: The Aftermath of Goiânia Radiological-Da Silva
Men Facing Earthquakes: The Example of Rognes (Bouches-du-Rhône, France)-Cécile Quesada
Indigenous Healing of War-Affected Children in Africa Edward C. Green and Alcinda Honwana
Booker T. Washington National Monument: An Assessment and Alternative Interpretation-Willie L. Baber
Educational Performance in Ecuador’s Chota Valley:The Specter of Institutional Racism-Kevin E. Lucas
Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction of Kali Gandaki Dam, Nepal-Nogendra Sapkota
Anthropological Approach to Consumer Science: A Practical Teaching Case Study-Guang Tian
A Method for Tracking Severely Emotionally Disturbed Children and Adolescents-Moynihan et al
American Indian Dance: Steps to Cultural Preservation-Barbara A. Hughes
Contamination Nation-Kurt T. Mantonya
Driving Culture Underground: Tourism and the Market Economy-Steve Butts
HPAA 2000
Insularity vs Partnership: Linking Economics and Sociology of Involuntary Resettlement-Cernea
Culture and Identity in Family Medicine: From Counter-Culture to Brave New World-Howard F. Stein
Empowerment Evaluation: The Pursuit of Quality-David Fetterman
“Cowboys” and Conservation: The Influence of Private Landowners on the Success of-Toupal
Anthropology, Tribes, and the Transformation of American Anthropology-Walker, Jr. and Jones
Education: A Necessary Investment for the Future of Bosnia-Herzegovina Erna Susic
HPSfAA: Celebrating 20 Years. The Omer C. Stewart Memorial Award-Carla N. Littlefield
Anthropological Theory and Fieldwork: Problem Solving Tools for Forced Migration-Jim Schechter
Short Sweep of Global Situation: Environmental Crisis and the Place of Anthropology-Corbett
Living Deliberately into the 21st Century: Messenger, Witness, and Connector-Kate H. Brown
Subversive Synthesis of Traditional Land-Based Wisdom,Ecology Book Review-Commentary-Ernest Atencio
HPAA 1999
Formalizing or Marginalizing the Immigrants' Shadow Economy-Gunther Dietz and Mari Paz Peña García
Countertransference and Understanding Workplace Cataclysm: Intersubjective Knowing-Howard F. Stein
Cultural Encounters of the Controversial Kind-Heath A. Fire
Art Facilitating Contact: Discourse on Museums and Cultural Tourism-Tilly Laskey
A Prophet Without Honor: The Buffering Role of a Practitioner in Applied Anthropology-Susan Scott
Applied Teaching and Community-Based Fieldwork for Undergraduates-Bill Roberts
Applied Anthropology Internships: How to Create the Ideal Experience Andy Bessler et al
Expansion of Community Modeling: A Case Study in Park Hill, Denver, Colorado-Andrew Kirwin
Leisure and the Quality of Working Life in an Academic Health Center-Sue Gena Lurie
Learning from the Inside Out: A Prairie Quilt for Applied Anthropology-Howard F. Stein
Chiapas, and the Meaning of Commitment-Rogelio Garcia Contreras
Hallowing the Ordinary. Acceptance in the Form of Love Letter: Omer C. Stewart Award-Howard F. Stein
HPAA 1998
Grounds for Indigenous Knowledge: The Importance of Being Emic in an Etic World-Van Horn
Knowledge versus Knowing: Zande Leechcraft-Margaret L. Buckner
KRÉYÒL-KYÒLÒLÒ: Grounds for Indigenous Knowledge in Writing Creole Dictionaries-Ellen M. Schnepel
Infighting in San Francisco: Anthropology in Family Court-Barbara Joans
Impediments to the Economic Development of Nova Scotia's Largest Micmac Reserve-Daniel P. Strouthes
Holding to the Middle Path in Ladakh: Tibetan Plateau-Ernest Atencio
Migrant Women and Social Support: Two Comparative Case Studies-Christina Heyon Lee Ursula Lauper
Don’t Fence Me Out: Immigration Creates Fierce Debate -Interview Hiroshi Motomura-Kathy McClurg
AAA Recommends “Race” be Scrapped; Suggests New Government Categories-Mary Margaret Overbey
Adventures of a Neophyte in Tibet-Cheryl Reighter
Home on the Range: An Anthropological Analysis Land Use Values in Conflict -Justin B. Lee
Aging in Healthy Communities and Neighborhood-Sue Gena Lurie
Applying Anthropology to Courtroom Work Joan C. Ludeke
Grounds for Indigenous Knowledge in Park Planning: An Arizona Example-Lawrence F. Van Horn
Analysis, Application, and Anthropology: The Omer C. Stewart Memorial Award-Gottfried (Friedl) Lang
HPAA 1997
A Future For Ethnology: Applying the Anthropology of Omer Stewart-Robert A. Hackenberg
Genome: Moral Choices and the Polity-Thomas Fitzgerald
Biotechnology and Ethics: Comments on “Genome: Moral Choices and the Polity”-Jonathan Friedlaender
Comments on “Genome: Moral Choices and the Polity”-Peter W. Van Arsdale
Genetics, Citizens and Moral Choice: Comments on “Genome: Moral Choices and the Polity” -Tom Greaves
Comments on Thomas Fitzgerald’s “Genome: Moral Choices and the Polity”-James Peacock
Has NAGPRA Helped or Hindered Relationships Btwn Native Americans-Anthropologists-Evans-Stoffle
Modifying Personal Safety Education For Native American Children-Cochran, Steward, Sullivan
Disaster, Community, Culture, and the Practice of Anthropology-Howard F. Stein
Nester-Comments on "Has NAGPRA Helped or Hindered..."-Evans,Stoffle
From China to Canada- The Immigration Experience of a Mainland Chinese Group in Toronto-Guang Tian
Cambodian Memories, Kingdom Movements: An Anthropological Tale of Identity-Kay Llovio
Colorado's Charter School Policy: Exploring the "Domain of Application" -Brigitte Boettiger
A Student’s Guide To Our Theoretical and Methodological Mouse Traps-Joshua S.Levin
Key Legal and Ethnoecological Components of a Bioprospecting Agenda-David J. Stephenson, Jr.
A Critical Essay on John H. Bodley’s Victims of Progress-Rogelio Garcia-Contreras
Review: Alexander-Cultural Competence for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Professionals
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Ghost Ranch 2012 Retreat
Ghost Ranch 2012 Retreat
Friday, October 05, 2012
- Sunday, October 07, 2012
Location: Abiquiu (Ghost Ranch Conference Center), New Mexico
Registered attendees (14)
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Friday, September 14, 2012
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