Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies. Volume Five, Concept of Tribal Society Edited by Georg Pfeffer and Deepak Kumar Behera: Review

Richard W. Stoffle

This is a review of a new book entitled Concept of Tribal Society. Printed in New Delhi, India, the book would not normally reach many bookshelves of scholars in the United States unless it was specially highlighted. Thus, this review focuses on what is and is not contained in the book and what portions may be most useful to U.S. Scholars who are interested in tribal society. In the U.S. tribal society is mostly like to mean Native American studies, but given that hundreds of thousands of people of tribal backgrounds who are from countries around the world currently reside in the U.S. the book may also be of use to scholars who study the ethnic identities of relocated peoples.

High Plains Applied Anthropologist No. 2, Vol. 23, Fall, 2003 pp 169 – 171

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