Cultural Competence for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Professionals: A Review of the CSAP Cultural Competence Series

James M. Alexander, IV

The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), formerly known as the Office for Substance Abuse Prevention (OSAP), is an agency of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of the Public Health Service of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.3 CSAP has published an impressive array of technical support materials, including a Cultural Competence Series that addresses the topic of “cultural competence” as it relates to substance abuse prevention programs and protocols. At the time of this writing the series is on going. Volume 1 was originally published in 1992 and was re-issued in a revised edition in 1995. Volumes 2, 3, and 4 were published in 1995, volume 6 was published in 1996, and volume 5 has not yet been published.

High Plains Applied Anthropologist No. 2, Vol. 17, Fall, 1997 pp 195 – 197

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Eratta Review of the CSAP Cultural Component Series, James M. Alexander, IV 

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